Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Yerba Mate/Rainy Days

Yerba Mate
So this past week has been little difficult for me, I have been tired every morning and wanting to clean everything at 9:00pm. My schedule has been messed up because the love of my life has been wanting to stay up and watch movies late into the night after the toddler is asleep, so it has completely messed up my sleeping cycle, and I am paying for it. I can feel my energy slipping away with my restless nights, aching muscles, and to make it worse it has been rainy and cloudy non-stop for over a week! YUCK!
It's not a very nice start to trying to lose the 13 pounds that I have gained over the last few months as my toddler tries to make up her mind if she wants to ween or not. Either way it has been an icky week, but thank God for second chances! I have found that instead of beating myself up for motivation, there is a better way of doing things. Forgive yourself. Seriously, there is no point in wallowing in self pity and guilt over eating poorly or being lazy when that is bad for your health and will just keep you down even longer! An other thing is to start back slowly, for example if it has been a week since working out don't just jump into it like before, take a couple days to ease into it. It's better on your body and it's better for you. Don't feel like you need to be all in or all out. That was a lesson that I was thankful to learn. I have also learned that Yerba Mate tea is an amazing energy boosting tea that well help get you on your feet. It has caffeine in it so it can take the place of coffee, and I find it much more efficient for keeping me going without a major crash.  It's a wonderful tea because it gives you that boost while giving your body nutrition, that you don't get a lot of from coffee. I also don't feel the need for sugar or cream when I drink it, I like the mild flavor and I enjoy becoming familiar with it. It also can be used as a sex tonic if you have a problem in that department, so as you can now see it is a much better alternative to coffee. I have been skin brushing for a while now off and on, but on the mornings that it feels almost impossible to get your self out of bed, skin brush! It will get your blood flowing, and look at it as if you were brushing the foggy feeling off, it's great! Then there is one of my favorites, peppermint oil! It is so refreshing, all I have to do is defuse it or just breath it in out of the bottle. When I have a headache sometimes it can ease the pain by rubbing it on over the areas that hurt. I will post my link to the Young Living website in case you want to get the oils too! Join My Young Living Essential Oil Team!   I started out with the Premium Starter Kit ($150)
Which in my opinion is by far the best thing to start with. I love their other products, but I have been focusing more on their oils, for now.

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