Monday, October 27, 2014

TV Addiction!

I have always had weakness for TV, but recently it had got out of hand. I had really gotten into a show on Netflix, and I seriously thought about it all the time. It was beginning to get in the way of my daily responsibilities including my parenting. Trinity my daughter was starting to think that television was a norm, and was starting to ask for the TV to be on all the time, even when she was doing something else. I knew that I shouldn't be watching so much TV, but it had truly become an addiction. God had started to speak to my heart about the matter through many different things, (including a movie). I wanted to stop, but I didn't
want to at the same time. Finally A teacher at my Church spoke on cutting things out of our lives that hinders us, I knew what I had to do. I gave it up. I asked for forgiveness from the hours and hours wasted in front of the TV, and said I wouldn't do it anymore. Amazingly God took care of the rest, I literally have not felt the need to watch any TV at all, and do you know what, I have gotten so much done! Not to mention I am eating better (and less) because I'm not feeling the need to eat in front of the TV. It is crazy how we can let our lives slip by so easily because we are living a fantasy through a show. I know that TV isn't every bodies weakness, for some it's the internet, others it's reading, etc, but anything that is keeping us from living our lives is an addiction.

On to my next topic, ALLERGIES! I don't know what's up, but I feel like I have them year round now, they just don't seem to go away! Itchy eyes, mucus in my throat,  stuffy noise, all the time! I have been discovering somethings that have been helping me though, Lavender oil, Nettle Tea, and the Neti pot. First the lavender seems to help my eyes a lot. I rub a little bit under my eyes when they are agitated, and it really seems to help. I heard that for girls who wear mascara, if you put one drop of lavender in it, it can ease itchiness. I don't really wear make up so I haven't tried it out myself, but it makes sense.
Here is my link to the Young Living website in case you want to get the oils too! Join My Young Living Essential Oil Team!  I started out with the Premium Starter Kit ($150) Which in my opinion is by far the best thing to start with.
The Stinging Nettle if good too, it seemed to help lighten my mucus build up. (YUCK) Also the Neti Pot is one of my favorites, If you don't know what it is, I will post the video at the bottom that I did a while back. I hope you enjoyed this blog, share your feedback, and let me know if any of this is helpful. I post a blog every Monday, so make sure you start following me so you can read more!

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