Monday, October 20, 2014

Gallbladder Attack!!!

So this week I had a gallbladder attack. You see I have a problem with gallbladder stones, it is genetic, my Father has the same problem. Mine started when I was pregnant with my daughter Trinity, I was half way through my second trimester when I had my first one, it was at night(all of mine have been at night) and I totally thought I was in early labor. That was the first of a couple of weeks worth of pain until I talked to my Midwife about it and she recognized it for what it was. So she told me the only thing I could do was change my diet because they don't like to do surgery when your pregnant, so  went on a gallbladder diet. If you don't know what it is here is the basics of what you can and cannot eat.

Table: Gallbladder Diet
Foods to Eat
Foods to Avoid
Artificial Sweeteners
Black Tea
High-Fat milk
Hydrogenated Oils
Corn Nuts
Chocolate Ice-cream
Soft Drinks
Sweet Potatoes
White Flour
Swiss Chard
Dandelion Greens

As you can see this shuts down a lot of my food options, and it wasn't easy, but I was willing to do it for my heath and the health of my child. It was super hard at first, but as I got into it my body started craving the foods I was eating. It liked what I was eating, and amazingly my Midwife said that my iron levels where higher than before even though I wasn't consuming any meat. I seemed to be getting enough protein, so it was all good. After I had Trinity my gallbladder issues seemed to disappear, but because I was already on a roll I continued to stay on my diet except for adding a little eggs and cheese. This lasted for months until we got low on money and I started eating the food that was available. I still wasn't eating poorly, it just wasn't gallbladder friendly. I didn't have a gallbladder attack since I was pregnant until the other day. How it happened was Noah (my better half) and I went to his Sister's surprise party, there was lots of food, but none of it was gallbladder safe. Well I was hungry so I ate a lot. The next day we were invited to go to Golden Corral, (which none of the food there can be considered healthy) but I though it would be okay since we hadn't gone in forever. After that we went to my In-laws and for dinner they had bought Chinese and Pizza, a family tradition, how could I say no to that? Well long story short I laid down for bed that night and started having a horrible couple hour long attack. Now I have to go back on my diet, and get whipped back into shape. Someone asked me why I didn't just get it removed so I wouldn't have to worry about it all the time, well I will tell you. I like to listen to my body. I don't always do a good job at it(hence having an attack in the first place) but if your body is telling you that it is not happy with your eating choices, why would you cut it out so that it can't tell you anymore? The gallbladder has a job filtering out all of the junk in your food, and giving you bile so you can digest, I need that. Instead of ignoring the problem I have chosen to face it head on and make it a life style. My body feels happier that way anyways. One thing I have learned recently as I study and learn about my oils is that the citrus Young living Essential oils are very good as easing the pain of gallstones.
Here is my link to the Young Living website in case you want to get the oils too! Join My Young Living Essential Oil Team!  
I started out with the Premium Starter Kit ($150) Which in my opinion is by far the best thing to start with. I love their other products, but I have been focusing more on their oils, for now.If you enjoy reading my blog I post every Monday.


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