Monday, November 24, 2014

Life Trials

Noah N Christina
Noah and I!
Sometimes it is very challenging to cope with difficult situations in life, the problem with life is that it seems to almost never be without problems. I have had quite a few anxiety causing problems over the last couple of weeks, and it has been quite testing. One of those happened to me about three weeks ago, my Fiance Noah had been over and had been complaining of his chest hurting, sadly I didn't really take him that seriously. Later that evening he was at work and started having the chest pain again, but this time it was much worse and he collapsed onto the floor. His brother Isaiah who worked with him brought him to the emergency room, that's when I got the call. I rushed to the emergency room leaving Trinity with my sister and Mom and met him at the ER along with his parents and brother. What I witnessed scared the living crap out of me. Noah was going in and out of consciousness, he would wake up, hyperventilate, then pass out again. He was so disoriented, and every time he woke up we had to explain everything to him and answer the same questions over and over because he forgot every time. He did this probably over 20 times. It was one of the most difficult things for me, and I am pretty sure wasn't easy for him either. The doctor finally gave him something to get him to stop hyperventilating, but it made him quite loopy for a while which was quite amusing. The doctor believes that it is all anxiety based, but I have some other theories of my own. Thankfully he hasn't had anything like that since, and I will continue to pray that nothing like that will ever happen again.
Another challenging difficulty that has happened is that Noah lost his job. That in itself could cause me to lose it, but I know that Our God is good and that he will bring us through this mess. I have been trying to look positively towards this, and I believe that the work environment that he was w
orking in was not healthy, and that he will find a much better job for him. Thank God that we are all alive and well. It was hard for both of us because we want to get married and in our own place next month, now unless God works it out it is more unlikely this will happen, but we are not going to lose hope. This week since I have been struggling to stay joyful I have been diffusing my JOY essential oil!
I have really been learning to love this one, and I am going to have to get some more soon! If you want to get the same oils that I have just click on the link to the right of this post. It has an easy sign up page, and I believe that the best kit that you could get is the Premium Starter Kit. That is what I got and it's great for beginners. If you enjoy my blog make sure you start following me so you can read more! God Bless! <3

    Monday, November 10, 2014

    New Tattoo!

    Yesterday I got a tattoo that I had been wanting to get for a long time, yay! Did it hurt? Yes! Do I love it? Yes!The picture that is shown here was taken just a couple hours after getting it, as you can see it hasn't been washed yet and I have smeared ink on my big toe the the artist missed, but it gives you the idea. First of all I want to say that I know that tattoos are not healthy, I mean your injecting yourself with ink that your body is absorbing (some of it), and the ink has nasty metals in it, so why would somebody like me get one? I believe That it expresses who you are, and allows you to share something with people that you encounter that would usually never know. I got this tattoo because it is a symbol for Yahweh's (God's) people, and I am one of his people so it also represents who I am. That is what I think about it, I know lot's of people, especially fellow believers have different views on it, and I don't mean to offend anyone, everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. Now health wise, it is important to keep care of your tattoo and to make sure it does not get infected or anything. Me being Crunchy Tina wanted to make sure I was using the best thing on it. I started doing research to see about some healthy products to put on it. My first thought was coconut oil, I use it for everything surely it would work for my tattoo, wrong! It is not good to use coconut oil for at least a week after getting it cause it heals it too much, and it can mess up your tattoo, same goes for aloe vera, just not to the same extent. One thing that I have learned is good for it is lavender oil! Even Tattoo Goo the product has lavender oil in it. Guess where you can get a great quality lavender oil?  Right here! Click here to Join my Essential Oils team! If you like my blog be sure to follow me so you can read more!

    Monday, November 3, 2014

    Missing Amber Necklace!

    Trinity wearing her amber necklace. 
    Trinity my daughter has worn an amber teething necklace since she was 6 months old, I knew that it was helping her, but I did not realize how much until a few days ago........when it went missing! It has been awful! My wonderful baby girl has turned into a very unhappy person. She cries a lot, screams every few minutes, is horribly clingy, has started biting everything(she has never been a biter), and all she wants is to do everything she is not suppose to do! I want my child back! Unfortunately her necklace fell off, so it could be anywhere, so I believe that I will just have to buy another one, but it is 100% worth it! I don't know how much longer I could live with a baby so unhappy, which is why I would totally support every parent getting an amber necklace for their child. I know lot's of people worry about choking, or the child hanging them self on something, but that is why I get the necklaces that have a safety clasp that comes undone if pulled on hard enough. That is probably why hers is missing in the first place, but I don't worry about her dying.
    Besides the necklace disappearing my other difficulty this week is the sun leaving! Here in NC the weather is totally bipolar, freezing one day, hot the next, but it seems that it has already turned to very cold and wants to stay there. My body craves sunlight, and I think it's the vitamin D, so I have been feeling a little under the weather. I have been moody, tired, and it has been almost impossible to get out of bed this last week. This last Summer I was getting out of bed at 6:00 am, full of energy and ready to face  the day! Now it's like I can't barely open my eyes, I only get up because the toddler who shares a bed with me pulls my hair and tries to poke my eyeballs out! Once I get out of bed I try to skin brush, but it usually last for like two seconds before I want to chuck it across the room! If you have never skined brushed before, it is quite irritating when it is FREEZING! Once I get wrapped nicely in my warm bathrobe I head down stairs to put my hot water on for my yerba matte, unless someone already made coffee, because in that case I might just give in because I don't want to wait for the warm caffeinated beverage. I usually don't have any energy until around 2:00 pm in the afternoon when Trinity takes her nap, once she is down I am like, YAHOO! That is what my last couple of weeks have been like! It is not even winter yet and I already miss Summer! One thing that has been cheering me up though is Cinnamon! When I smell it it just makes me thing of the Autumn and Winter seasons and it feels me with joy! So of course I am going to make an order to get some cinnamon and thieves(one of my favorites) essential oils! Here is my link to the Young Living website in case you want to get the oils too! Join My Young Living Essential Oil Team!  I started out with the Premium Starter Kit ($150) Which in my opinion is by far the best thing to start with. Also If you want a good place to buy amber necklaces here if a great website!Get Amber Here! I hope you have enjoyed this post, I do one ever Monday so be sure to follow me if you want more!